Sewing again

I haven’t sewn or quilted for a while, once I got the last baby quilt finished. My husband advanced progression in the Alzheimer’s disease. He was placed in a nursing home where he died peacefully. It has been a rough several months for me, but I’m learning again all that makes me happy.

First, I wanted something to fill my time like a part-time job, but without the exposure to public. I will have to live as if my immunity is very low, just to protect my health. I found a flea market in a place I hadn’t seen one before, with very good traffic. The store is neat, bright, and inviting. After the tour, I paid money down on a booth. I went through all the leftovers of previous flea market booths and priced them. I started attending auctions again (which I love!) to keep a supply coming in. The first two items that sold were homemade hot pads made from leftover quilt squares. I wrote about it seven years ago (!) in this post. I had made more than the two hotpads I first put in the booth, so the next time I brought in inventory I added more. I wonder if they were stocking stuffers, or if they just appealed to the purchaser.

So, I do have plenty to do without the booth, but it gives me a daily purpose. I have a grandson who is 2 years old and doesn’t yet have the quick and simple quilt . I found the perfect fabrics for him, and I’ll whip that up before he comes with his family to visit at Christmas. (I get to meet the baby!)

And lastly, my husband had his preferences for clothing. He had about 4 feet of closet rod with nice dressy shirts, and another section of thermals and flannels. His shelves are loaded with t-shirts, even though I’d already weeded out quite a few to make this lap quilt. I checked with his kids and mine, and I have some projects to do. One more t-shirt quilt and 2 flannel/thermal quilts, all in lap size. That will be a long-term project and I may start designing, then cutting after the new year.