Slowpoke quilter speeds up

I had sent this quilt to my niece before her precious boy, Chris, was born. This past Tuesday her apartment building was hit by lightning and all 11 units were unliveable as a result. Nobody was injured, but all her baby things were burned up, and her son is only a month old. I couldn’t do much for her, being several states away in distance, but I could replace the quilt I made for her.

This is my quick version of a baby quilt. I checked my stash and I had enough of this adorable baby safari animal fabric for a whole-cloth top. I cut some backing and batting to fit, and started meander-quilting with my machine.

I’m just using the hopping (darning) foot and pushing and pulling the quilt around. My husband says he just loves that kind of quilting. I think of two things as I do this: one is a jigsaw puzzle piece. I make the lines go in and out, up and down, more curvy than straight. I also remember a Sunday comic that was my favorite, Family Circus,  when Billy took his time going around the neighborhood. Very distractable boy.

I finished with a mossy green binding and it’s done. As soon as I know her new address, I’ll be sending it to my niece to wrap her precious baby in.